The vast majority of PCI USB 1.1/2.0 cards support OHCI. One PCI USB Card that’s OHCI compliant, installed in the Mac.A Macintosh with a working Mac OS 9.1 or 9.2 installation (See note 1 for prior versions).This is located in Mac OS 9.1>Network & Connectivity when doing a customized installation. In 9.1 you could also run the installer again, select Add/Remove, and add in USB Adapter Card Support. The card and devices plugged into it will appear in System Profiler but will not function, and do not disappear until the machine is restarted. The extensions that come with 9.2 have a bug, causing them to not work on Macs without built-in USB. These instructions are intended for machines that have had a PCI USB card installed after Mac OS installation has occurred, or one running 9.2 without built-in USB ports.